Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quizzical: A Theory on Fluctuation

So in my 6th period class of freshman on Fridays there is one students in that class that stands out (actually there has always been, in every education-related job that I've had, that one student who stands out). He has this quizzical look on his face for the entire hour. It makes me think that he falls under one of the following two theories:

1- He is very interested and engaged. He knows what's going on, he get's it!

2- He is as lost as lost can be. He has no clue what is going on or even where he is at.

Because he randomly participates in class, it has been very difficult to assess the situation. He, however, is in one of the best classes I have, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he knows the lessons.

He is in my last class of the week, one of my best ones. Actually the first class I teach on Mondays and the last class I teach on Fridays are my best ones. Everything else in between just fluctuates. These classes make me look forward to coming to work in the beginning of the work week and get me pumped for the weekend. Again, everything in between is like a Richter scale.

This has definitely been the feeling this week. In the middle of having the FES come in, being in the midst of losing my voice (and therefore teaching with a microphone for 2 days), and acknowledging that my birthday is tomorrow, it's been up and down. I'm that kid. I don't know if I understand this week with impecable comprehension, or if I don't know where I am or what's going on. I'm very much looking forward to next week (and this wekeend also). Maybe next week I'll be the category of the first theory.

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