Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's Time....For The Hills

Well folks, the time has come. The dreaded three month slump that everyone is supposed to suffer from that affects foreign teachers in South Korea was supposed to strike me today. Maybe mine is belated, I'll have to check on it's arrival. I didn't really feel it. Today marks my 3rd month in SK. Go figure. Maybe because I've talked to my family in extensive lengths in the very recent past. That always helps.

I must say that if something is bad about this day it's the heat. Granted it's dry heat, so that's a plus, dry heat just like back home. Went to the farmer's market today (love farmer's markets, nothing beats the one is Seattle), and it was hot as Hades. Found a shirt, I didn't buy food, probably because I didn't go shopping hungry (a common consumer mistake). It wasn't too hot for that, that area is pretty well shaded, so no problems there. But it's too hot to do other stuff outdoors. I have the A/C running while I'm at home. I pressed my hand against the window to see how hot it was outside, scorching!

So yeah, 3 months, who'd a thunk it? At least the third month is in fact the best month in the calender year ever! (just ask Pati and Nick)


Now for "The Hills" segment of this blog. This is based on the following conversation a couple of weeks ago:

Me - "Isn't it funny some people here think that the life in your hometown is just like they see it on TV?"

Susanna - "I know. They think that because I'm from New York that I'm from New York City. I feel like they can't differentiate between New York the state and New York the city. Upstate New York is very different from what they see on TV."

Me- "They probably think your life back home was like Sex and the City."

Susanna- "Yeah."

Me- "They probably also think my life is like The Hills because I'm from LA. That my life is just going out at night and talking about it the next day."

Susanna- "Oscar, that is your life."

Me- "Oh yeah."

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