Monday, December 19, 2011

Death & Taxes

The wise and inventive Benjamin Franklin once said "The only two things guaranteed in life are death and taxes." He wasn't kidding.

However, what troubles me the most is when I pass by a fast food place (i.e. Jack in the Box) and see that they accept EBT. Then I think, isn't this a luxury and not a necessity? I know I can't go eat out for my meals all the time because I know I should by groceries and everything depends on my availability and budget. This is one of the major problems I have with government assistance.

In this economy and as a taxpayer, I am not opposed to helping those in need with what I earn. There are no sure fire plans in life security and like I've always heard, we are all one decision away from being in that type of situation. Given that, I would much rather my tax dollars not go to overpriced jalapeƱo poppers and go towards reasonably priced groceries like milk, eggs, and bread.

This brings me to my next topic, drug testing. I remember some time ago I saw a poll on Facebook saying that people who get public assistance should be drug tested on a regular basis. I agree. I feel assistance should go towards families that truly need it. I feel better when I see my deductions and think that a family somewhere that is struggling to make ends-meet is in the very least getting some help. It's one of the foundations of this great country of ours. I do not though approve of the hard working tax dollars my friends earn going towards helping people who cannot help themselves, and would be feeding into those downfalls. I think those in need have no need for drugs when they have bigger fish to fry. I wouldn't want to support anyone's inability to not prioritize.

It is about necessity over want.

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