Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time Shifts

Today marks 5 months since my arrival to South Korea.

Well Halloween has come and it has now gone. It was a lot of fun. It was fun and mellow. Went to Josh & Audrey’s place for a get-together, headed to the Osan Lounge, then went home. Spent the day with some cool people as the “boy who lived” aka Harry Potter. The day before I was watching Repo: A Genetic Opera, a great movie, and the best thing Paris Hilton has done in her career.

Now it’s November, which means my dad’s birthday will be in some weeks as well as Thanksgiving. I’m considering a Thanksgiving lesson for some of my classes since the Halloween one went so well.

I’ve also gone ahead and have allowed my iPod to now play Christmas music, music that always cheers me up and at the same time is parallel to the weather here. In terms of health, I am so much better now.

I’ve been listening a lot to Shakira’s new CD also, it’s great, that “Gordita” song with Calle 13 is still on repeat. Speaking of music, it was weird because I had a dream the other day, but it was more like a movie. I say this in the sense that it had a soundtrack to it. The song? It was the theme song to “California Dreams.” I thought the dream where I was driving down the road yelled LA, but this one just spelled it out for me in block letters.

So the question keeps coming up, whether or not I’ll renew my contract. I think this week reached a new high at the count of four times, and it’s only Wednesday. IDK. IDK. IDK. I need to go to LA for the holidays first, then when I come back to SK then MAYBE I can make an informed decision. That’s all that’s on my mind for now. Also, I found out my niece got Student of the Month at her school, congratulations!

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