Sunday, June 24, 2012


I feel like many friends and family members have had sudden rebirths around me. Many have opened new chapters in their lives, some by choice, and some circumstantial. Either way, because change is e only constant, I think it's interesting because it keeps life interesting. Currently, I'm looking for a new apartment. The one I'm in right now is fine, but I feel like I live in India sometimes. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is in DTLA. I chose this place because of it was a halfway point for the workplaces of my sister and I. Seeing how she moved out not long after she moved in (she never successfully unpacked), this reasoning for staying in this place is out the window. I also had a neighbor situation I had to go all Jenna Marbles on: It really wasn't as bad as that, but it still bothered me. So here I am apartment applying, I'd like to stay somewhere in the start of the Southbay area like Hawthorne so that my commute time to work remains the same, my family is within a decent proximity, as well as my friends (most, if not all, whom reside deep in the Southbay). This should be an interesting hunt. Submitting an application for one I've grown attached to tomorrow and the landlord took a shine to my roommate and I. The next thing that's going to change with me this year is school. It is bittersweet. I mean, come on, 100% of the times I've graduated I've needed more school afterwards. I might as would've gone to med school. I'll be starting a clear credential program in the fall to make my teaching credential permanent before I lose it. The sweet part is that my workplace takes care of practically all of my tuition. Paying just a little over 100 bucks a semester to attend a private university? Not too shabby. Also, I'll be picking up a new class to teach next school year. This has to do with my own schooling as my credential is in English and I have to be teaching the subject in order to be in my school program. It worked out perfectly my employer, so once again, things fell right into place. Needless to say that once August gets rolling, I will be a busy bee. Like I wasn't busy enough already. In terms of my friends and loved ones, I believe that everything happens for a reason and I have all the faith in the world they will be fine. Off to freedom, and glory!

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