Sunday, May 29, 2011

Top 5

Today’s entry was inspired by one Miss Lauren (from: During my bon voyage dinner with my friends in South Korea, she told me that my assignment by the end of the night was to give her the top five things I won’t miss from South Korea and the top five things I will miss from South Korea.

So here we go, the top 5 things I won’t miss from South Korea:
1. The way the shower plumbing system is set up in the majority of apartments
2. The way trash on the street in handled
3. The extra syllable added to everything
4. Small tin cups of water (I consume like 80 of those a day)
5. A side of pickles with everything you order (and not the good kind)

However, every cloud has a silver lining, so in keeping a positive perspective on the last year, here are the top 5 things I will miss about South Korea:
1. Being called handsome so many times (throughout the course of a single day)
2. I like learning something new everyday, especially things that Osc from a year ago wouldn't think he could do
3. No need to worry about lunch at work
4. This is my easiest commute ever
5. The friends I've made

There you have it. Great task to complete, kudos Lauren.

As an added bonus, because this was my last dinner with the majority of my SK friends, here's our recreation of the Last Supper (Stephanie is clearly playing the role of Judas).

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