Thursday, February 10, 2011

Your House

I've been having a recurring dream and it's starting to replay over and over in mind. I've had it in three occasions all together and they've been spread out through a very wide time frame.

The dream is about a house. It's an older classic house, a little old-timey, and very nice and spacious. The house is at least three stories and stands strong near an intersection. Granted, in previous dreams the house bricks have been darker than in other dreams. This last time the house had light and faded bricks. If you go to downtown LA and walk from Mt. Saint Mary's College to USC, you see some really nice old-fashioned houses, some Victorian, and very beautiful. This house seemed like that kind of house.

So I enter this house, and every time I do I am welcomed with open arms by the people who are already in there. I have no clue who's house it is and to whom it belongs. There are usually lots of people inside the house chatting, having drinks, eating some light foods, and having mild conversations; it's all very casual. Granted, I don't know any of these people in real life, they're just figments of my imagination.

Because this house will host a dinner party-esque gathering, the dream has never really bothered me, that is until this third and last time I had the dream. This time around there was an implosion, something went off inside the house and I knew it was coming. The kaboom could even be heard in the streets outside and I would look to the street and see cars stopped because of the exploding sound. But after the shock of the whatever it was that exploded (which I have no clue where it came from), it was business as usual for the people inside the house. In addition, this time and long after the implosion and guests had gone back to their routine, I kind of woke up in a cold sweat and couldn't go back to bed. This was two days ago, and the dream just keeps playing over and over.

In order to move past this dream, which is haunting whatever free time my mind has had to wander (which has been a lot considering that work is extremely light this week as it's consisted of half-workdays and desk warming), I decided to pray to the Google gods for a response and have come to some interesting findings. And although none of the answers for the dreams I had are exactly parallel, I'm currently gathering pieces and chunks to see what I discover. These are my findings thus far:

"Houses in dreams usually represent yourself or your personality or body. The fact that it is very spacious might indicate vast potential."

"Houses can be symbols of the self, and the various rooms have different meanings."

"To dream of a house represents your mind. The rooms of the house, and what you do inside the house indicate what is happening inside your mind. To dream of someone else’s house represents your mind through the perspective of another aspect of your personality."

"Since you don’t recognize the house and don’t know anything else about it, all you can do is think about how the house makes you feel."

"New rooms in a house can relate to areas in our lives where we are discovering new skills, abilities or strengths within ourselves"

So it seems I shouldn't really let the dream bother as what I gathered from these other responses, blogs, and dream sites is relatively positive. Maybe new and exciting things are on their way...

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